Your comfort during your stay at Villa Nobile is our first priority. Our cleaning and sanitizing processes are in place to ensure your peace of mind.

Housekeeping services are available during your stay. Please ask about how we can accommodate you.

Before your stay, Villa Nobile undergoes a thorough cleaning. All surfaces, floors, and linens are cleaned and disinfected. All outdoor seating areas, the pool and jacuzzi are also cleaned and disinfected. In addition, the home environment and air is sanitized and deodorized with the SANY PLUS ozone generator.

From the Sanity System company website:

SANY PLUS is the ideal device to sanitize outpatients clinics, medical centers, private clinics, chemical analytical laboratories and vet practices. It is recommended to disinfect nursing homes, hotels, dining halls, schools, kindergartens, gyms, beauty centers and Wellness & Spa areas.

The SANY PLUS ozone generator guarantees a complete inactivation of all the micro-organisms, the removal of toxic, noxious, organic and inorganic residues in the air, on surfaces and in the water. The SANY PLUS sanitizes air and surfaces against pathogen agents such as bacteria, fungus, molds and pollens, main causes of allergic reactions and it destroys most viruses. The sanitizing also effects the air-conditioning ducts as well as the evaporator where mold grows because of humidity.

SANY PLUS is manageable and easy to be carried and it is powered by electrical energy through a normal socket. It is provided with a simple and intuitive display, 3 working programs which are different for the duration of the treatment and the quantity of generated ozone, guaranteed in the removing of bacteria,viruses and bad smells from the room in the shortest time possible, depending on the type of environment to treat as well as size.